
The explorations and observations of Matt in Sitecore.

Tag: Stack

  • Thoughts on improving the authoring experience for marketers in Sitecore Personalize

    How do we make Sitecore Personalize more approachable for the digital marketer? Better empowering the marketer in Personalize looks a lot like empowering content authors in the content management system (CMS). It requires a combination of development best practices and design system planning to create the best authoring experience and consistent user experience. In my… Read more

  • Successful steps to implement Sitecore Personalize

    Implementing Sitecore Personalize is not as simple as activating the license. Well, it is, but that won’t lead to an implementation of Personalize that’s helpful for you or your marketing team. There’s a lot that needs to be done in order to ensure that you’re setup for success with the tool. You MUST do more… Read more

  • When to use Sitecore Personalize

    When do we use Personalize? Personalize has been with us for a while, but I feel like this question still comes up a lot but as we start talking about this, let’s make one thing abundantly clear… Personalize ≠ XP Personalization Personalize is NOT XP personalization. It does not work in the same way and… Read more